"The Purdue Photography Club is one of the oldest student organizations on campus."

Since 1934, our club has been the meeting ground for hundreds of hobbyist photographers, ranging in skill from novice to advanced. In addition to finding others who share a common hobby of, or passion for, the art of photography, members can also look forward to participation in weekly meetings that include topics such as photo critiques, guest speakers, demos, and presentations. While the Photo Club has adopted a large focus on digital rather than film photography, our club facilities still include a fully functioning darkroom and studio.

Our past weekly meetings included presentations on a variety of photography topics, Adobe post-processing workshops, guest speakers, hands-on photography learning time, demos, etc. In addition, we have a few photography trips each semester. In the past, we have had trips to Chicago, astrophotography trips, Indiana Dunes, Turkey Run, etc. Also, we host an annual photo contest every spring semester.

We have monthly Lightroom Presets that you can download if you are subscribed to our email list.

We do have club dues per semester. They are $5 or $20 if you want access to our studio and darkroom. Please do not pay if you are just checking out the club. Instead, get to know us and the other members of the club first.

(Facility Update Spring 2022 - Temporarily Closed due to PMU basement renovation. Reopening date TBD)

If you have any questions, see our FAQ page; otherwise, feel free to reach out here or email us at photo@purdue.edu.

Meet the Officers

Harry Nguyen


Samuel Bauer

Vice President.

Sarah Foody

Design Manager.

Ishaan Zaveri


Piper Forsen

Facilities Manager.

Levi Reno

Studio Manager.

Eric Nguyen

Studio Manager.

Lars Petersdorff
